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  • North Coast Explorer

The North Highland History Explorer Tour

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

This 4 day tour takes an extensive look at over 5000 years of history in the North East Highlands and if you've ever visited Orkney, or would like to visit Orkney, for the history which it bestows, then this tour may provide an alternative of 'equal' on the mainland of Scotland. Although lesser known as an area, the North East Highlands can share some amazing and well-preserved ancient history sites of its own as well as telling the tales of the more recent Highland Clearances and the boom and bust of the fishing and flagstone industries of the early 20th century

Possible Highlights on this tour:

  • Portmahomak – the site of a Pictish monastery

  • Dunrobin Castle & Museum – ancestral home of the Duke of Sutherland

  • Camster Cairns – Neolithic burial tombs

  • Whaligoe Steps – breathtaking Victorian rock cut steps and fishing station

  • Burifa Radar Station – hilltop RAF station of World War 2

  • The Farr Stone – a carved symbol stone of the Picts

  • Rosal Village – cleared of people in 1814 and now a ruin

  • Kinbrace Hut Circles – Bronze Age hut circles with impressive views

What you need to know:

  • 4 day minimum tour duration

  • Fully tailored to your requirements

  • Suitable for up to 4 people

  • Pick up and drop off from your chosen location, although typically Inverness

  • Touring time is usually from 9.00 to 17.30 each day depending on the agreed itinerary

  • For further information, please call, email or use the form on our Contact Us page

Enjoy the views below of some of the sights you may see along the way!

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